Want to know how drinking water first thing in the morning will positively impact the rest of your day?
Staying well hydrated has more benefits and is more simple than you may be aware of, especially within the place of work. Branded water bottles come in all shapes and sizes, with accessories such as a carabiner, to make it as efficient as possible to access water in the work place. As your level of hydration contributes to many factors.

Inherently, humans are 60 percent water and therefore our blood is 90 percent water. Thus, dehydration results in the decrease of blood volume, resulting in your blood thickening. This is dangerous as it causes your heart to struggle to supply blood to your muscles and has to work harder, also meaning your heart rate rises and your immune system weakens. Therefore, people with thicker blood tend to stay off of work ill as their body is more prone to developing illnesses due to the weakened immune system.
“Humans are 60 percent water and therefore our blood is 90 percent water”In addition, a lack of water in the body means that minerals and nutrients are unable to dissolve within it and you are unable to process them. Producing further issues such as weak bones, fatigue and a decreased immune system. All factors of which are vital for efficiently functioning within everyday life. Custom water bottles keep the work environment looking appropriate as they match the place of work’s brand . Not only this but there is different materials available depending on the work place. For instance, metal water bottles are typically utilised in busy building environments where they are capable of being in an active setting without becoming damaged easily.
Why we need water?
Without the correct consumption of water Oxygen is not able to travel to the different parts of the body. This causes issues such as headaches and acts as a catalyst to serious health conditions like hypoxemia. An issue that will lead to organ failure. In addition, without water your kidneys struggle to function as they are unable to filter out waste products and excess fluids. Instead, this builds up within your body and the repercussions of this include chronic kidney disease, kidney failure and UTI’s. Stainless steel water bottles are especially suitable for the more venerable. Particularly with the factor that the steel prevents harmful carcinogens from filtrating into your drinking water, unlike plastic water bottles.
The Video: below by Olivia gives a detailed vlog of the benefits of water.
If you want to work actively and efficiently during your everyday life, being well hydrated is essential. Water cushions the joints as cartilage contains 80 percent water. A lack of this results in the majorly lesser production of synovial fluid within the spaces of your joints to reduce friction. Resulting in joint pain and the difficulty of movement.
Ever wondered why you are tired, have a lack of energy, motivation and maybe even experience pain from movement? It is recommended you drink at least 2 litres of water a day in order to prevent this.

Author: Olivia Davies
Olivia Davies, expert Digital Marketer has a high quality reputation throughout the Promotional Merchandise industry pushing the boundaries with both clients and suppliers. Olivia other projects include Rendezvous Oxford