Be aware of your competitors in your industry, being aware of the following factors enables you to make yourself different from the rest!
Does Your Business Have a Unique Value?
- Prices
- Marketing messages
- Their position in your industry
Whilst looking at competitors to see what it is they’re doing it is vital you don’t find yourself doing exactly what they’re doing, this will do nothing but make your business blend in with your competitors!
Don’t be afraid of putting yourself out there with a completely distinct idea! Doing this will grab the attention of potential consumers/clients. Don’t be afraid of stepping outside the box, your consumers or clients are not characterless robots and do not have a one tracked mind just like you and I which is why looking for inspiration outside of your industry is a great way of getting the ball rolling! What makes your business exclusive is probably going to be irrelevant to your industry anyway otherwise it will have already been done!
Seeing every business do the same thing is tedious, if it’s already being done right now by the time you copy it, it will be long gone! Meanwhile someone else is already one step ahead thinking of the next best thing! When you see a great business with unique marketing campaigns instead of being inspired to do something similar, step up and think what can you do that is even better?
The above Swag box shows how you can easily create something bespoke for an industry. The Promotional Industry has over 130,000 different products so they must have every industry covered. The advantage with the Swag Boxes you can make them as cheap or expensive as you like, just depending what you want to put inside. So if you want to make a real impression, once the customer orders then send them a swag box through the post and create the Wow factor.
This blog post was written by Peter Barnes, Home Based SEO Specialist/Consultant for Concise Media Branding Ltd.