Unique Marketing is very important to any business be it online or offline. You need to advertise to be able to reach your prospective customers. There are many channels so that you can market online, and then one of the very most effective channels may be the search results. If you are already in business and trying to improve, increase, make more sales or generate more revenue, the one place to look for is the CUSTOMER. Without prospective buyers or customers, there is NO SALES.
Running a business and leading the competition can be overwhelming, if you lose perspective. The proper perspective, in my opinion, is not accounts receivable, accounts payable, cost of goods sold, inventory, payroll, taxes, etc. Listen to your customer or more importantly, that lost customer. They will tell you why you got the sale or why you lost the sale.
How do I lead the competition through unique marketing or how do I find out my customer’s needs and rank higher? Internet tools available based on keyword research will tell you what customers or potential customers are searching for. The number of searches for a particular keyword is a great indicator of what your customer needs. For example, if I’m into selling promotional products, promotional keyrings, promotional USB, just do a search for the keyword “promotional products”, depending on the number of searches you can determine if your product or service is in demand for your local area. Go to Google’s keyword research tool and typing in a keyword or phrase, such as promotional products, promotional keyrings, promotional USB, you will get results for the number of searches for the previous month. Although the tool itself is free, it is based on advertising with Google Adwords, a pay per click (PPC) advertising option.
This keyword tool helps you build your search network campaign by finding keyword ideas and estimating how they perform. You simply type in any domain name into the search box and you can obtain reasonable accurate date on how much that site is spending on paid searches, whom their competitors are, and what keywords they spend the most money on. Moreover, their up sell or add on allows you to open a domain report of your competitor.
There is no limit for the efficiency achieved by business owners through unique marketing. It ties your under a set budget or the access to any information is restricted because of time and location. Business owners can enhance their productivity like never before as they can start working anytime anywhere. Whether a business needs to scale up or scale back, it can be performed very easily because mostly cloud computing is a subscription based concept. A business owner can perform scaling up or scaling back very adroitly and efficiently depending upon the business needs, goals and trends that keep on changing regularly. Remember to focus on your customer by fulfilling their needs. This requires some discipline and a little homework, but after it becomes habit, your business bottom line will thank you!
This blog post was written by Peter Barnes, the SEO Specialist/Consultant for Concise Media Branding Ltd.